Printing and Scanning
Printing and Scanning Management
Printing and Scanning Management
If your business relies on paper, TTS is able to help you maximize your printing cost and eliminate unnecessary waste. TTS is able to offer solutions for digitizing paper files by scanning and organizing them for later reference. TTS is also able to help print management to reduce ink and toner cost by managing print color and black & white settings to maximize time between replacements. TTS will also repair your existing printer or scanner.
If your business relies on paper, TTS is able to help you maximize your printing cost and eliminate unnecessary waste. TTS is able to offer solutions for digitizing paper files by scanning and organizing them for later reference. TTS is also able to help print management to reduce ink and toner cost by managing print color and black & white settings to maximize time between replacements. TTS will also repair your existing printer or scanner.
Reach out today and we'll start you on the path to solving your IT needs.
Reach out today and we'll start you on the path to solving your IT needs.
Call or text - 919.421.1846
Call or text - 919.421.1846
Triangle Technology Solutions offers solutions for printing and scanning:
Triangle Technology Solutions offers solutions for printing and scanning:
- Work with vendors to get warranty repairs.
- Assist in selecting new printers, scanners, and upgrades.
- Ink and toner replacement.
- Repairing printers and scanners.
- Setting up and network sharing printers and scanners.
- Configuring small printers for shipping and other labels.
- Replacement or installation of thermal receipt printers.
- Digitizing paper records.
- Replacing printer and scanner consumables.
- Any other printer or scanner related upgrades, updates, or repairs.