IT Security and Compliance

Monitoring and Filtering

Data is critical to any modern business. Data and networks must be securely accessible, uncompromised integrity, and available only to those who are approved for only the data they need. Ransomware is a major concern for any business and cost businesses billions of dollars every year. Having incremental backups can save your business for a complete disaster. Continuous software and physical security monitoring can greatly reduce the risk of intrusion and infection of network and data. Some data requires encryption to meet complex compliance obligations.

Reach out today and we'll start you on the path to solving your IT needs.

Call or text - 919.421.1846

Triangle Technology Solutions offers solutions for security and compliance obligations:

  • Network penetration testing.

  • Firewall and access rule configuration.

  • Backup services to prevent Ransomware attacks.

  • Anti-virus and anti-malware software support and deployment

  • Workstation, WiFi, network, server and device monitoring.

  • Location tracking for portable devices.

  • Compliance planning and implementation.

  • Disaster recover planning and documentation.

  • Cameras, CCTV, surveillance recording, motion sensors and other parameter security.

  • Change management and procedural documentation.

  • Password policy, resets, and management.