Internet Services

Internet Access Management

Todays businesses and homes rely heavily on the internet for day-to-day operations. Most homes and business overpay for internet service that doesn't deliver the maximum speed in their area. TTS is able to look at all providers in your area and ensure you are getting the most out of your internet access for the price.

Reach out today and we'll start you on the path to solving your IT needs.

Call or text - 919.421.1846

Triangle Technology Solutions offers solutions for internet access:

  • Find Internet Service Providers (ISP) that best suits your needs.

  • Work with your ISP to get the most speed for cost.

  • Upgrade aging modems to get the maximum bandwidth provided by your ISP.

  • Facilitate internet access installation with ISP contractors in your home or business.

  • Select and install VoIP or Telcom solutions.

  • Setup Internet of Things (IoT) devices and appliances with internet access.

  • Any other internet service related upgrades, updates, or installations.